The founders of the Center for Mathematics and Culture are a highly diverse group of scholars and authors. Among us are historians, psycholgists, education specialists, writers of fiction and non-fiction, and, of course, mathematicians. All of us are brought together by a concern for the cultural marginalization of mathematics, and a desire to see the field take its rightful place in the mainstream of the modern world.
Our founding advisory board includes both at-large members and a core group working to establish the Center at UCLA:
At-Large Members:
Chandler Davis
Mathematics, University of Toronto
Apostolos Doxiadis
Author, Athens
Yehuda Elkana
History of Science, Jerusalem and Berlin
Peter L. Galison
History of Science and Physics, Harvard
Rebecca Goldstein
Author, Boston
Loren R. Graham,
History of Science, MIT
Michael Harris
Mathematics, Université de Paris VII
Jean-Michel Kantor
Mathematics and History of Science,
Université de Paris VII
Barry Mazur
Mathematics, Harvard
Marjorie Senechal
Mathematics and History of Science, Smith College
UCLA Core Group:
Amir R. Alexander
History of Science, UCLA
Theodore M. Porter
History of Science, UCLA
Jonathan D. Rogawski
Mathematics, UCLA
James Stigler
Psychology, UCLA
Mary Terrall
History of Science, UCLA
M. Norton Wise
History of Science, UCLA